I have spent most of my “free time” trying to make sense of the teachable course, which is trying to teach me how to create my own course. The initial videos were all about marketing and terms such as Lead Magnets, Landing Pages and Sales Funnels. I have seen these used before whilst reading but had never really understood what they meant. These videos have been very informative and have made a lot of sense to me, not only for my online course but they can be used in any business at anytime, especially in this digital world we live in. The difficulty for me comes in the tech tutorials where you actually learn how to create these and set them up. In the video the lecturer has obviously done this a 1000 times so to him or her it is very simple, and they keep telling you how simple it is whilst you sit there battling to try and keep up just watching them. I decided to watch these videos through to the end and then when I am actually creating the course will go back to the videos of those specific things and watch them again and again until I get it right- we will see how that goes. I am about 55% through this first set of learning video’s so there has been a fair amount of knowledge imparted to my brain, lets hope at least some of it sticks.
We also spent the afternoon filming on Weds for the videos for the course. This is a lot of fun and we played with fake blood, broken arms and all sorts of chaos and mayhem in our house of accidents. Yes we were filming the emergency care part of the video- luckily it had been Halloween not so long ago and I had had the presence of mind to buy all the fake blood etc. There is an amazing amount of work that goes into the videoing from the start of the script to the dividing up the shots, to the actual shooting and re shooting scenes. Then we will have to do all the narration and then the editing and putting everything together. Thank goodness unlike me learning how to create the course on teachable, I have a video guy who knows exactly what he is doing so I can leave most of it to him.
I remain committed to this project and hope to have it ready and created early next year. I can feel the Dec festivities creeping up on me though so need to try and keep motivated to keep watching and keep learning. My aim will be to try and finish the next 45% of the course this week so that when things quieten down a little in early Dec I can spend some time putting into practice what I have learnt. For an old dog I do feel I am learning a few new tricks, lets see how this week goes!