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Child Minder vs Creche- What is best for your baby?

Child Minder vs Creche- What is best for your baby?


We are living in unprecedented times currently. Who would have thought that 2020 would have brought with it a pandemic that has brought to a standstill the world as we know it. I have seen a lot of parents trying to figure out their child care options. Parents who would normally have chosen to send their little ones to school are now considering finding a child minder to look after their little ones at home. In this time of COVID 19 there are new points that need to be considered when making decisions on both Child Minders and Creche’s.

When my children were little we had an incredible lady who looked after the girls. She is still with us 16 years later and I believe that my experience with her makes me favour having little one’s looked after in their own homes by a competent child minder. The experience of sending her on a child care course was such a positive one for both her and I that I ended up buying that business when it came up for sale and have been up skilling ladies ever since.

In my writings below however I have tried to give a balanced view of both employing a child minder or deciding on sending your little one to a creche.



  • Your child will be in an environment specifically catered to their development physically and intellectually
  • Most childminders in a school setting have some form of qualification in early child hood development, you can enquire on this when enrolling
  • There are procedures and protocols in place at schools such as training in First Aid- you can enquire about this when enrolling
  • No one will be distracted by household chores that need doing
  • Safety and security will be of utmost importance, with entry and exit procedures being adhered to
  • Many schools have webcams which parents have access to in order to check in
  • You child may integrate easier when moving into more formal schooling
  • Schools often do not close at every holiday or may offer holiday care for working parents.


  • Germs, germs and more germs.. as there are more children together, germs spread around more easily, leading to your child being sicker more often and this may mean having to take time off work or have alternative child care plans.
  • This is going to be even more important to think of in this time of COVID as we are all trying to make sure that we do not spread the virus around. You will need to see the plans and protocols the school has put in place to mitigate the risk of spreading the virus.
  • There is no one on one care- you will need to check on the child to carer ratio and make sure you are happy
  • You cannot send your child to school if they are sick meaning you may have take time off work or find alternative child care arrangements.
  • Operating hours are normally strictly enforced making it difficult for working parents at times
  • A good day care can be quite pricey


  • Your child will remain in their own environment and in their own routine
  • Your child will be exposed to fewer germs causing them to be sick less often.
  • One on one care
  • Your child minder can also help with household chores if agreed apon
  • Your child minder can look after your little one at home if they are ill
  • If your lady is able to live in, this may be the best solution during this time of COVID as her and your child will have less exposure to the possibility of coming into contact with the virus.
  • The bond between child minders and the children in their care can be extremely strong. You child may not suffer from any of the separation anxieties they may have suffered from when you need to go back to work.


  • If your lady is unable to live in and you are unable to organise private transport she will come into contact with more people while travelling back and forwards to work, this is an important factor in the COVID consideration
  • Your child minder may not have early child hood development qualifications- you could always send her on a course to give her these skills and increase her confidence
  • Your child minder may fall ill and not be able to come to work making it necessary to take leave or find alternative arrangements.
  • Household chores may distract your lady from looking after your little one.
  • Your baby may not get to socialise as much with children their own age, but in these times there are many “nanny and I” type programmes which will remedy this.
  • Some child minders may not speak your home language very well which may cause some gaps in communication.

I firmly believe that your gut will tell you the right thing for you and your child. I would suggest doing some more research as there are other articles out there that my have included considerations that I have not. If you are going to be going the route of employing a nanny please do research on how to find the right candidate as well as checking references, doing police clearances etc and do consider sending her on a child care course if she has not already been on one. If you are going the creche route please make sure to ask questions. Do not feel embarrassed to ask for qualifications, ask about first aid, emergency plans, daily schedules, class sizes, COVID protocols. Once you are happy with this information then make your decision. I always like to advise on one thing if you can possibly do whether you are going the child minder route or the school route and that is to try and get personal recommendations. Chances are if someone you know was happy to send/leave their child in someone’s care then you would be too.

For more information on our Child Care online course please have a look at

